
H is for Hot Wings and Hamburgers

I was so busy on Saturday that I forgot to make an "H" post. A day late is better than nothing, right?

H is a difficult letter for me to find a food to write about, to be honest. I wish I could say that I eat halibut or even hummus, but I generally don't. I could try adding these foods to my plan, but for now I'm going to mention the things that I dine on currently.

Hot wings are not something that I eat very often, but I know I can have if I am careful of the sauce that comes on them. Although I could eat typical chicken wings with hot sauce, our family chooses to eat skinless chicken for the most part. Thanks to a review I read concerning a hot wings sauce, I was tempted to give the hot sauce a try. I ordered Wing Time's mild version sauce, with a hint of parmesan. It is truly delicious. It is sugar and gluten free, without preservatives. It is worth spending a little extra money on if you like making your own hot wings at home. There are 5 different flavors or levels of "hot." Check them out.

Hamburgers without buns are something that low-carbers can have without guilt. We use ground beef in casseroles about four times per month because it is, for us, an easy choice and source of protein. Hardeez has a low-carb Thickburger that is served without a bun, and comes wrapped in lettuce leaves for ease of eating. It contains about 5 total carbs, but even that can be reduced if you order it without some of the condiments.

I want to mention a very good friend's low carb website and blog. She has great information on the low carb lifestyle and frequently reviews products on her blog and for CarbSmart. She will happily give her opinion and tell you the truth about any product that she tries. Check Amy out at Healthy Low Carb Living.


  1. I'm not a big fan of hot wings in the first place; one - they're not. I don't like hot. Two - chicken wings have very little meat on them and to me, it's not worth making a mess over.

    Now I can do a really good hamburger. I made up a few patties the other day and had them for lunch and dinner over several days and they were awesome!

    Popping in by way of the A-Z Challenge. I’m blogging at:
    Write, Wrong or Indifferent
    Marie Anne’s Missives
    In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow
    Every Day Crochet

  2. I just recently tried hummus and liked it. It's supposed to be healthier for you. Hot wings I rarely have but a good homemade hamburger is awesome. Nice blog.

  3. I love hot wings (unless they're given a name like "hotter than hell" or anything along those lines). I've done the low carb thing, but have never been able to eat a bunless burger. It's either with a bun or with BBQ sauce to dip in. Both kind of beat the devil out of low carb!! LOL I am going to check out Amy's blog, though, because I need to get my sugar under control. Nice job!

  4. I love hot wings and hamburger and many of H foods ;)
